Well, I guess the 'update once a week' plan didn't happen like I wanted. The past couple of weeks have been so jam-packed with things, but after this weekend things should slow down. I have had time to go surfing around the internet for some nice links both here and for my fireshaper.com blog.
I came across a GREAT link on CNN's website the other day and other 80's kids will love it as much as me: there will be a Fraggle Rock movie! According to the report, it's going to be "full-length live-action musical fantasy starring the classic characters", so that means it will include all the original Jim Henson puppets. Apparently in the movie the Fraggles will be interacting more with the human world, a plot line that wasn't really touched on in the series. No ETA on the movie yet, but I'll keep updates on here as I hear about them.
I just bought an iPod Nano (2G) and I must say that I can see why this is one of the highest purchased MP3 players on the market. For all you MP3 downloaders, did you know that you can use Google to search for MP3s out there on the internet? Of course you should have known, Google is the best web search... or is it?
The last topic that I'm gonna hit is something that I've seen everwhere -- Ruby! A guy put a Ruby prompt on his website so you can try it online. If you've been wanting to try it out for a while, then give it a try. type 'help' for a tutorial.