
I'm pretty gangster myself

For a while now, I've only had a tech blog on my site (fireshaper.com). Recently, I decided to do a personal blog as well and, not wanting to code all the stuff for my page, decided to use the Blogger account that I already had made but never did anything with.

I really don't know why I'm doing this, I never have anything to write about, that's why I do a tech blog. I've always thought personal blogs to be a waste of time, that is until I started noticing that people actually READ these things. It's weird. You wonder, who would be interested in my life and then you go look at a woman's blog about how she was picked to have Nintendo come to her house and throw a Wii party just by reading her blog.

And then I think, it would be nice to write about things I wouldn't actually put on my other blog, like new software I got for my Axim, or about a game I'm playing on my PSP. I wouldn't take up the space on my tech blog to write about that, so I guess this is better.So maybe I do have something more to put on here than just "[blank] sucks", "I hate [blank]", "My life is [blank]", and the best of all "I got nothing to say really" (ala MySpace).


So I do have something to put in this post, something with some substance besides my going off on tangents. My fiancee found this shirt and thinks it would be cool if I wore it.

Now, I know for sure that if I wore it around here I would get shot, or worse. It is a cool shirt though... maybe.... if it were given to me as a present :)

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